13 January 2022 – RACF staff boosters mandate & visiting requirements

Dear all,

As the cases of Covid-19 upsurges, particularly with the highly transmittable Omicron variant, vaccination and exercising highest level of infection control in the community is more important than ever. In order to protect the health and well-being of our elders and facilitate their social needs, additional precautions and actions are required for all staffs and families. Please read in conjunction with 20220107 “ECH Covid-19 Omicron precaution”.

On the 13th of January 2022, ECH has successfully prevented an Covid-19 positive case entering the facility via proper use of RAT. We thank you for continuously cooperating with our friendly staffs and assists in keeping our facility Covid-free, in order to further prevent possible transmission, the Rapid Antigen Testing Station has now relocated at the front door. Please follow the procedure and use RAT wisely as guided by our admin staff or Nurse in charge, ensuring the following is conducted in the proper order.

  1. Complete RAT testing with supervision of our admin staff or registered nurses at front door or otherwise specified. You can only enter the ECH building when RAT result is negative. You are not allowed to enter ECH with a positive RAT result.
  2. Complete Doffing & Donning (disposing & putting on PPE) in between the two doors
  3. Complete Victorian QR code, Entrytrakr and temperature taking at reception area

ECH strongly recommends families to visit within office hours with highest staff numbers. If you choose to visit ECH outside office hours, please be patient and respectful when waiting for staff assistance to support a harassment free working environment for our staff. They are crucial to the provision of outstanding cares for residents during such a difficult and challenging time.

ECH is preserving RAT stocks and utilizing them wisely to ensure residents, families and visitors are screened. There had been occasions where strangers will approach ECH asking for RAT kits, suggesting the solemnity of RAT national shortage.

Regrettably ECH is not able to sell RAT as it is for on-premises use only.

From 11:59pm, 12th of January 2022, RACF residents will be allowed up to five visitors a day if each visitor completes a rapid antigen test (RAT) before entering and delivers a negative result.

Many other nursing homes are not as fortunate as ECH as they are running out of RAT totally. While they are seeking urgent clarification / supports from DHHS regarding supply and distribution protocols for RAT availability, they are being instructed to reduce visitors for each resident from 5 to 2. From ECH point of view, allowing visitors entering ECH without negative RAT is high risk, may it be 5 visits or 2 visits and the risk that ECH cannot afford to take.

As such, please work with ECH to use our remaining RAT wisely, to keep ECH safe by staying safe in the community, avoid attending high volume venues and all relevant Covid safe practices.

RACF staff booster mandate

  • All Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF) including ECH’s staffs must receive their third dosage of Covid-19 vaccination by 1st of March. Unless,
  • If you are eligible for a third dose on before Wednesday 12th January 2022, then you must receive your third dosage of Covid-19 vaccination by 12th of February 2022. For more details regarding the eligibility please visit https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/third-dose.
  • Formal notification of the requirements will be published on How we live: Information for Victorians | Coronavirus Victoria when the mandate begins.
  • Staffs are encouraged to receive their boosters at different times to avoid having possible reactions which leads to high quantity of sick leaves causing staff shortages.

ECH continuously endeavours to maintain highest Covid safe environment and practices, we seek for all residents, families, and visitors’ support:

  • In Victoria, as per State Governments restrictions applied to Visiting care facilities: each resident in a care facility is permitted up to five visitors per day, including dependants.
  • Visits must happen in open / outdoor areas with good ventilations, or own bedroom and maintain social distancing. Please do not interact with any other residents and maintain social distancing with any other persons inside the facility.
  • Visitors must sign a declaration upon entry that they have not been in contact with a confirmed case in the past 7 days if fully vaccinated and if not a household contact, or the last 14 days if not fully vaccinated or if a household contact (ECH is using EntryTrakr for the purposes).
  • Please keep yourself covid safe because you visit residents who are identified as high-risk population by follow closely the government directed restrictions in the community. Rule of thumbs: receive boosters, hand hygiene, wear masks especially indoors / when indicated, maintain social distancing AT ALL TIMES.

Please do not come to ECH:

Kindly share this update with other family members who may wish to be kept informed.

Let’s keep safe during the most challenging time of massive Omicron outbreaks in the community.

Warm regards
