15 July 2021 – Covid-19 precaution updates for all

Dear all,

As the Melbourne Covid-19 cluster swells, Elderly Chinese Home is following the Victorian DHHS
directives to impose lockdown with immediate effect. Community lockdown details please refer
to Public announcement / press release as Victorians can only leave home for 5 reasons as of
11:55 PM 15 July 2021 (tonight).
pay attention to:
Care Facility Visitors Visitor restrictions:
• No visitors are permitted into aged care or other residential facility settings, except for endof-life reasons
• Non-essential contractors are restricted from entry

As the Melbourne Covid-19 cluster swells, Elderly Chinese Home is following the Victorian DHHS
directives to impose lockdown with immediate effect. Community lockdown details please refer
to Public announcement / press release as Victorians can only leave home for 5 reasons as of
11:55 PM 15 July 2021 (tonight).
pay attention to:
Care Facility Visitors Visitor restrictions:
• No visitors are permitted into aged care or other residential facility settings, except for endof-life reasons
• Non-essential contractors are restricted from entry

Family is discouraged to take resident out, for those residents already home, please be advised
to follow all advises as per Victorian Government and at all times:
• Maintaining social distancing of 1.5m from others
• Wearing a face mask at all times, except at home
• Avoid exposed sites as per Case alerts – public exposure sites | Coronavirus Victoria.
• Please note there are sites popular for Chinese community, therefore, limiting going to
private/public gathering to minimise the risk of exposure;
• Not coming into contact with any family member or friend who is unwell;
• Upon their return, the residents will be required to stay in own bedroom for isolation while
waiting for Covid-19 swab tests to be arrange and or availability of negative Covid-19
swab results.

ECH Staff must practice high level of infection control measures and straight screening process,
Nurse is charge of each shift to ensure staff full compliance, to ensure good supply of PPE at all

Any staff been to the hot zone as per Case alerts – public exposure sites | Coronavirus
Victoria, please go get tested, notify Nurse in charge if self-isolation at home for 14 days or until
Covid 19 test result returns normal as per Tier 1 or 2. Let Nurse in charge know ECH requires to
look for shift replacements

ECH will continue providing updates of Covid 19 precautions. Please work together to keep our
residents safe.
