5 July 2021 – Information to Residents & families regarding ECH
Resident Vaccination Rate

Dear all,

ECH completed a desk audit with Victorian Government – DHHS – Covid 19 Project
Management Team on 24 June, 2021:

• To acknowledge the great achievement of ECH having high Staff vaccination rate
close to 100% (except medical exemptions & no direct residents care).
• This allows ECH creating a bubble to protect our residents.
• However, they still wanted to clarify the low Resident Vaccination rate as the
benchmark of most other Residential Aged Care facilities above 95%, ECH stands at
• It is their intention to identify barriers and obstacles regarding the low Covid 19
vaccination rates for residents and how ECH maintains Covidsafe and good outbreak

It is expected that such desk audits will be frequent as all Residential Aged care facilities are
mandatory to report vaccination rates on weekly bases. This can be a compliance issue if
the low Residents Vaccination rate resulted in any outbreak at ECH and the government
takes this matter very seriously. I hereby beseech residents and families:

• When contacted by ECH Clinical Care Coordinator (IPC nurse) or delegated RN to
reconsider receiving Covid 19 Vaccination and complete the “Covid 19 Vaccination
consent form”, we will endeavour to negotiate with Federal Government Roving clinic
to provide onsite vaccination for residents changing their mind.
• If residents / appointed representatives still decide to decline the offer, kindly
complete a “Covid19 Vaccination refusal form” when approached by clinical staff to
support ECH’s compliance to legislative requirement for Covidsafe & outbreak
management; and at the same time, respecting the choices and decision making of
residents / appointed representatives.
• Please understand one day Victorian government will further relax restrictions for
residential aged care facilities, and residents will be able to enjoy outdoor activities /
bus trips / shopping trips etc. in the future. ECH however will not risk to taking
residents out to the community without Covid 19 vaccinations. Please accept our
apology in advance of such decisions.

Please note all Covidsafe measures as of memo “20210624 ECH Update on Covid 19
precautions – ease of restriction in VIC, but NSW alerts” remains valid.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information and share this update

with other family members who may wish to be kept informed and discuss the
above-mentioned matters.
