ECH is Fully Complied (again)! Thank You All!

Dear all ECH residents, families, staff and supporters,

It is a time for celebration as Elderly Chinese Home now officially announced to be fully complied to all Quality Standards (again!)

During 18th of October – 21st of October 2022, we were assessed by 3 assessors from the Australian Government Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, they have audited our existing practice, surveyed our environment and interviewed our residents & families. They were all impressed with our continuous commitment to improve ECH, as observed by happy residents, professional and respectful staff, clean and friendly environment, culturally specific and delicious meals, person-tailored activity programs etc.

The past two years have not been an easy journey, and we are extremely appreciative with all the positivity and supports we receive knowing that we are doing the right thing. We wholeheartedly believe the future of ECH is created with our residents, and we thrive to support them the best we could, by listening to their feedbacks, respecting their choices and protecting their safety.

The journey of curating the “home away from home” would not have been possible without our amazing staff, hence we want to share this happiness by acknowledging their hard work (and will celebrate it with lots of food)! We are committed to continuing our best practices to ensure full compliance, and will never forget all of you as a part of the ECH family.

Warm regards,
