ECH Memo: Pathway to recover from Covid-19 Outbreak

Every dark cloud has a silver lining. During our Covid outbreak, we find understanding, supports, teamwork, and most important of all we find blessing as all residents are recovered. We are looking forward to start the journey of recovery as soon as possible to minimize the impact of room isolations to our residents.

  • Today (14th September), we start to have the first group of recovered residents returning back to communal areas for activities and meals – with social distancing, different time slots and cleaning in between, air scrubbers in communal areas
  • We will gradually having our favourite morning chair exercise / chair Tai chi, dementia programs with social distancing and different time slots
  • By Friday (16th September), we will restart the all-time favourite Sunbeam small group / 1:1 exercises by physiotherapist
  • In two weeks’ time, when all residents completing room isolation, we will catch up with a delayed Mid-Autumn festival celebration with decorations, moon cakes and other snacks.
  • To further learn from this Covid outbreak, we will conduct interviews / surveys with all residents / families to determine the impact of the outbreak and finding continue improvement opportunities.

Again, as the outbreak is not resolved completed, it is not advisable to visit Elderly Chinese Home during this week unless for specific reasons and at your own risk. Please contact Care Manager / CEO for the special arrangements including infection control training.

Last but not the least, we cannot thank you all enough for all the heart-warming supports.
