30 July 2021 ? Information to all ? BOM, staff, residents, families and visitors:

Update on Covid 19 precautions:

Please note starting Tuesday midnight, 27 July 2021 Victorian Government further relax Covidsafe measure in community setting.

However, ECH as of any other Residential aged care facility is classified as high risk area, we continue obeying the Government guidelines and specific visiting restrictions in aged cares.

HOWEVER, please understand some of our residents choose not to receive Covid19 vaccination provided by Federal Government Roving Clinic. Please be vigilant all the times and continue following Covidsafe precautions as of all Nursing Home include wearing of surgical masks, social distance, personal and hand hygiene. DO NOT VISIT if you are feeling unwell, have been to, or have had visitors from any high-risk locations identified by the health authorities.

Please also note larger part of NSW become hot spots and is expanding. Additional to checking of case alerts in Victoria, you much check the case alerts in NSW as well. ECH seeking your cooperation DO NOT COME TO ECH if you have been to NSW for the past 14 days, and if you have been to the hot spots, follow NSW state government directives for appropriate actions.

No visitors are permitted into aged care or other sensitive settings, except for end-of-life reasons or other specified purposes.